Five years or more synthesized in this work that you can now read documented with photographs and all the information concerning the Opus de...

The path of ashes

Five years or more synthesized in this work that you can now read documented with photographs and all the information concerning the Opus de las ashes. A lot of work, a lot of expenses, a lot of tests, trials, experiments, and the experimentation itself while consuming this medicine.


Much has been said about this route but little has been explained. Is it true that the mythical Philosopher's Stone is made from ashes? . Three alchemists gathered and experimented, over several years, with all the processes that had and would have occurred until they found the formula to extract the redness of the white Stone born from the ashes of the oak. This process reveals the path of Weizsacker, an alchemist who claimed to have recovered his energy with the consumption of the Stone but who sadly died leaving a legacy. The explanations of the past, the detailed process and its explanation in the face of modern science. This book is fully illustrated, with full-color photos of the processes, and plates that support the logic of the operations.

Buy it in hardcover, sewn with color dust jacket at this link:Click here

Buy it on Kindle, but I warn you of low quality: click here