In alchemy there are few authors who are charitable. We see it even in Fulcanelli himself who says it and ends up confusing us with his gibberish and when he seems to tell us something about one thing, he turns around and tells us about another. And even for operations as simple as the preparation of the regulus of Mars, he hides it with allegories and arcane symbolism. That is why authors like Delocques can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Sincere, explicit, modest, who speak just what is necessary. From the wealth of generous authors, we can cite Agricola, Dr Becker, Glaser, Lemery, Grimaldy, Gosset (who although not entirely clear, gives concepts that are fundamental) and now Delocques is added.
The difference with those, perhaps, is that Delocques really is generous, and I dare say, too much. When George Starkey spent 10 years meditating on how to prepare the volatile salt of tartar, and then wrote it down in his Diaries on one page, Delocques explains it in five lines without giving the matter any drama. The same method without so many detours explained explicitly.
About this important manuscript we can say that we found it in the Bibliothèque nationale de France, in Paris, in the Department of French Manuscripts, under reference 25 326, which has the following title: “Posthumous work, found after the death of Delocques, spagyric physician to the king, or recapitulation of all the operations he performed during his life, a very curious and clearly explained work, with the key to all the operations contained in his pyrotechnics on the great work and dated October 1, 1746.”
This book clarifies, with the authority gained from the vast laboratory experience of the author, all the mysteries concerning the Great Work, and the processes of Ripley, Basil Valentine, Isaac the Dutchman, among many others. The darkness that generally surrounds alchemy texts finally has a candle to enlighten us.
The clarity is unusual, I have experienced many of these processes myself with absolute success and they defined the oldest concepts of the SM. If you ask me what my favorite alchemy book is, without a doubt, I will say that it is Memorandum de la pratique alquímica by Delocques.
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